April 10, 2012

Just checking.

Are you all woken out of your chocolate coma yet? I know everyone is dying to know what I actually managed to cross of my list so here you go…

Cody with bunny ears – check, but not due to my efforts. Sabina and Genie already took care of that on Wednesday at home, but so cute I have to share:

Macaroons – check depends on my phrasing – did I write ‘making macaroons’ or ‘attempting to make macaroons’. I solemly swear I will never attempt to make another recipe that is so contradictory and especially not one that comes with 10 commandments and no maid to clean up the mess. On a good note I am now proud owner of 4 little freezer bags filled with different flavoured buttercream.

From left to right:
Rasberry and rose water buttercream, orange and rosewater buttercream, rosewater buttercream, and candied violets and rosewater buttercream. Can you tell we liked the idea of rosewater? Well, that was till we tasted it and realized it reminded us of grandmotherly soap.

Dear macaroon, I am sorry, but you should not be allowed to carry this name - you look like a cookie, you taste like a cookie, you are a cookie!

Chicken with stuffing – biiiig check and happy smile.

Yoga mat – check. Pink – check. Three classes in four days – check (though that wasn’t even on the list I just realized).

Balcony – half check that comes with a good excuse courtesy of all the rain, which made window cleaning pointless. The gooseberries do have a new home though and look quite happy.

There was no writing or chart making though I did draw sunshine and played with Puss in Boots. All in all I was not productive whatsoever. I didn’t even look for any eggs...after all that is a privilege of being all grown-up, I can just buy my own chocolate without having to dig through muddy flower beds.

So objectively I guess one could say that I was being quite lazy for the whole four days. But as my wonderful friend Claire just put it – for the first rainy weekend in the year, one needs to hibernate as the soul requires it. Best excuse to sleep and watch Gossip Girl ever – thank you, Claire!

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