May 10, 2012

Wild things.

I’m going camping. Have you heard? Considering that I like to have my space I thought the idea of camping less daunting than sharing a dorm room with 20 others at the Reforestfest. Only a little less though.

In case you don’t know that about me – I do not like camping. I have attempted a few times and each time it was at best really uncomfortable and at worst really painful (ever spend a night on an air mattress with a torn ankle ligament?). It is just not in my nature it seems as it is for South Africans. I am a city girl at heart. We only camp on asphalt in front of the Apple store.

That would me on the right. In my tent. In the wild. Scary, right?
Also after watching too much 24, yes I’m old school like that, I had the worst serial killer nightmares two nights ago. Upon waking up I realized that I would be in a forest, in tent, in the dark soon and boom! all I could think about was the Blair Witch Project. Not ideal. But with the crowded dorm room scenario looming and all my friends camping too, I am still set on braving the wild. So far I have tent, sleeping bag, gumboots, and pink fairy wings in place as well as someone who will pitch my tent. Someone I don’t even know yet, but apparently all it will take is for me to call him King Steve for the weekend and bring him a beer. I can do that. I cannot pitch a tent. I did have the choice to take a small pop-up one, but as Mark says a camping novice like me will need a big one, which has to be properly pitched. I trust him. I also rely on him for a head lamp.

 Me: Do you have one of those funny head lamp thingies? Can I borrow it for tree fest?
Mark: I only have a normal one. Yes, you can borrow it.
Me: But the normal ones are the funny ones!

So tonight I shall document and report how packing goes. I think if I can suck at anything even worse than I suck at packing, it will be at packing for a camping trip. We shall see.

In the meanwhile I found this little treasure at and though I presume there won’t be much grass in the forest, it makes the idea of going into the wild slightly less daunting.

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